Marigold Grow Support

How to: Manage rewards in an Experience

Rewards-based experiences are growing in popularity between our customers and their customers alike. The opportunity to reward participation in real-time is appealing and allows you to offer an immediate incentive as a value exchange. Research proves that offering a value exchange in a form of an incentive such as a prize, discount coupon or voucher, increases the overall engagement rate. 


This article provides a guide to using Rewards in supported experiences. Allowing you to reward participation in real-time with prizes, offers, coupons, and more. You can either select the Instant Win or Coupon Experience in the Experience Library, or you can add Rewards to any of your existing experiences and decide how and when to distribute your prizes.

Rewards will be distributed according to the criteria defined (e.g. odds) respecting any limits and metering in place. If a user is unlucky and isn't granted a reward, we'll give them an "Everyone Wins" reward as a consolation prize (if any are available).

1. Add a Reward

Find your experience under the Experiences tab and click on Edit Experience. In the main experience workspace, you will be able to find “Rewards” in the left-hand side navigation menu. If you have selected Instant Win or Coupon Experience from the Experience Library, when you arrive at the Rewards screen, example rewards will be added and you can either edit them or add new ones. If there are no rewards added to your experience, click on + Add Rewards to get started.

2. Edit a Reward

Once you get to the editing screen for each reward, you will be asked to define the core settings for the reward and you can then add your copy and images on the Content tab.

Settings Tab

  1. Settings - in this section you can define an internal name and Friendly ID for your reward. Friendly ID is a machine-readable/internal identifier that can be used for data integrations, rewards management, loyalty points allocation, and more.
  2. Assign Rewards: Maximum - this is the total number of rewards available to win regardless of how you distribute them. Leaving this field empty will denote an unlimited supply.
  3. Distribution - defines how rewards will be given out (see this article).
  4. Quiz Score Range - allows you to restrict the reward to users who completed quiz challenges and scored within a particular range
  5. Metering - Set a maximum number of winners per day or per week for odds-based & “Everyone Wins” distribution.
  6. Recurring Rewards - decide whether the same reward can be allocated to the same user only once or repeatedly if all other criteria are met.

The selection of reward type will affect what fields you will be asked to fill out on the Content tab. These are the different types of rewards that are currently supported:

  • Basic Coupon: Upload a coupon image to display your reward to users
  • Coupon Code: Use a static coupon code or generate unique ones
  • Uploaded Codes: Upload a list of unique coupon codes to be distributed to users
  • Link to Coupon: Provide a URL where a user can retrieve the reward or coupon online
  • Prizes: Give an offline prize like t-shirts, trips, or other swag

Content Tab

In this section, you will start by selecting a Reward Type. The selection of a reward type will affect what fields you will be asked to fill out next. These are the different types of rewards that are currently supported:

  • Basic Coupon: Upload a coupon image to display your reward to users
  • Coupon Code: Use a static coupon code or generate unique ones
  • Uploaded Codes: Upload a list of unique coupon codes to be distributed to users
  • Link to Coupon: Provide a URL where a user can retrieve the reward or coupon online
  • Prizes: Give an offline prize like t-shirts, trips, or other swag

Once you select the reward type, you will be asked to provide the details for your reward that will be shown to the lucky winner on the confirmation/thanks page. You can add your copy, image, description, a call to action and more.

For detailed information around rewards distribution options and setting up the reward, visit Understanding: Rewards distribution.

3. Publish a Reward

Once the setup of a reward is complete, you will be asked to save your changes. Once you are ready to start granting the rewards to entrants, you should publish the reward. It will only be possible when the experience is published as well.

Once a reward has been published, some settings may not be available. For instance, you cannot change the distribution method of a reward once it has been published and you cannot change the time-window for a custom time-window reward. The Reward Editor will indicate the restrictions as you set up your reward and you will be reminded before you publish.

4. Display a Reward to the entrant

Once you set up your reward(s), the next step is to ensure that the reward information will be displayed to the entrants. For that, you will want to:

  • Navigate to Pages
  • Click on edit Confirmation Page
  • Add the “My Rewards” module to the page and click on the cog button to edit it
    • You can choose to enter a copy block that is always shown.
    • You can enter a copy block that is only shown when an entrant receives a rewards (e.g. "Well done!")
    • You can enter a copy block that is only shown when an entrant receives no rewards (e.g. "Sorry!")
    • The reward information will be dynamically populated based on the content you have defined in the Reward itself

5. Reporting and monitoring

We keep a record of who has entered and who won what. If you need to fulfil prizes or further process the data collected, you can download the necessary records from the Export area. The reward details are also visible in the Entries area.

Once you have some entries, you'll find two exports available:

  • Entries: This export contains the form data submitted by all entrants (whether they won or not)
  • Granted Rewards: This export contains the rewards that were won by users and indicates by whom. It provides the same data as entries export but only for a limited subset of entrants who have won a reward.

To monitor the performance of your experience, you can navigate to the Insights section. Here you will be able to see couple of areas specific to rewards:

  • At a glance section: total number of rewards distributed in your experience for the specified time period.
  • Detailed rewards view: the number of rewards (prizes or coupons) awarded to entrants for winning entries, for each reward available in the current experience (this data is not provided in real-time).

For Frequently Asked Questions, please navigate to this article. If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact our Global Support Team or your Customer Success Manager.